In May 2004, the ACLU ACLU threatened to bring a lawsuit against Los Angeles County if they did not change the seal, that they have had since 1957, and remove the little cross from it. They had used the same tactic
with the city of Redlands CA. (For more information on the Redlands seal controversy click here)

The 1957 Los Angeles County Seal
The cross is in the right center panel.
For a full description of each of the symbols on the 1957 seal Click Here.
The vote was 3 to 2 in favor of giving in to the demands of the ACLU. With the vote splitting along party lines, Supervisors Burke, Molina, Yaroslavsky voted to change the seal and Supervisors Antonovich and Knabe voted not to change it and to fight
the ACLU lawsuit.
The the Thomas More Law Center along with others had offered to defend the county at not cost if they chose to keep the seal as it was and fight the ACLU lawsuit. And many voters not only
called their supervisors but showed up to the meetings as well, still the three Democratic Supervisors would not change their positions of supporting the removal of the cross from the seal.
At a later meeting Supervisor Michael Antonovich put forth a resolution or motion to put the decision to the voters and let them decide if the seal should be changed or if the county should fight to keep it as it was. This resolution or motion failed
by the same 3 to 2 majority as before.
The original vote authorized the redesigning of the seal. The cross was removed as was the goddess Pomona. An Indian women was put in the place of the goddess. A mission, without a cross on it, was put in place of the 'little cross' to represent Los
Angeles County's "Mission Heritage". The stars and Hollywood Bowl were moved and replaced the Oil derricks. Some have said that without a cross on the mission, it is impossible to tell what kind of building it represents. (See the new seal below)
The New Los Angeles County Seal
The cross is replaced by a Mission.
For a full description of each of the symbols on the 2004 seal Click Here.
In polls, about ninety percent of Los Angeles County residents support keeping the seal the way it has been since 1957 and not to cave into the demands of the ACLU.
Those wanting to keep the cross in the seal have filed two different lawsuits. The federal lawsuit to force the county to keep the seal as it was, has failed. The state lawsuit to keep the county from wasting tax payers money changing the seal
before the petition drive is over is still pending. A petition drive has been started to keep the seal the way it was, with the cross in it. This now remains the only way to keep the cross in the county seal.
This petition, if enough valid signatures are gathered in time would, over rule the Supervisors and the Los Angeles County Seal would revert back to the 1957 version. Then if the ACLU did choose to file a lawsuit against the county it would force the
Supervisors to defend it, cross and all.
This petition drive has until March 1, 2005 to obtain the necessary 341,212 signatures to end the efforts of changing the seal.
If you support keeping the cross in the Los Angeles County seal then please download the petition by clicking here and sign it today. All the information is there as to what you need to do.
You can also get other registered voters in Los Angeles County to sign it. They can either download it themselves or better yet, you can become a canvasser and collect signatures. All you need to do that is be a registered voters in Los Angeles
County. The instructions are clearly explained on the petition form.
If you want to have an even bigger impact you can help us host an 'Informational Meeting' in your home, community center or church. These meeting allow us to provide a local place voters can come and find out what has happened regarding the seal and
to sign the petition if they so choose. If you would like to see us have an 'Informational Meeting' in your area please e-mail me or call me at our National Headquarters 24/7 (818) 757-1776.
There is very little time, so please act today.
Also, any donation you can give would help us get the message out more quickly.