Following is a copy of the letter to Congressman Henry Hyde:
Congressman William E. Dannemeyer
1103 E. Commonwealth, Suite A
Fullerton, CA 92631
714-871-4316 Fax 714-871-4221
November 11, 1998
Congressman Henry Hyde
2110 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Dear Henry:
Thank you for the opportunity to visit with you on the telephone yesterday evening concerning the impeachment issue.
The documents which I described on the telephone are included in this letter. They include:
(1) Letter dated September 18, 1998
(2) Resolution - 4 pages
(3) Resolution - 11 pages
(4) Impeachment Resolution - Nixon
Item (3) above contains the reference to the report filed by the Government Reform and Oversight Committee, headed by our former member Bill Clinger from Pennsylvania, dated September 26, 1996.
Items (2) and (3) above were drafted in May, 1997, and followed the format of the Impeachment Resolution on Nixon, item (4). I would like to personally thank Bernard W. Nussbaum and Hillary D. Rodham to the extent that they drafted the Impeachment Resolution on Nixon.
It is ironic that the impeachable activities of Clinton mirror so closely the activities which resulted in the impeachment of Nixon.
The differences in treatment is still unfolding. Will the Republicans have the stomach to bring the matter to a vote on the House floor in the face of the reality that Clinton has not indicated a desire to resign?
Please avoid the trap of structuring this issue exclusively on the tragedy of Monica Lewinsky. She represents at most 5% of the misdeeds of the Clinton presidency which justify his impeachment. Her contribution to the whole picture is nevertheless important because her involvement made Clinton admit he lied, and lied under oath.
The inquiry should include the following witnesses:
(1) Larry Klayman from Judicial Watch, who has filed his report and has probably done more work revealing the misconduct of Clinton than the whole Congress
(2) Gary Aldrich, former FBI agent who can testify to the grounds listed in Article 4 of (2) and (3) above
(3) Bill Clinger, former member, who can give life to the report his committee filed 9-26-96, which report is the source of the statements in Articles I, II and III of items (2) and (3) above.
You are in the cat bird seat and I can honestly say that no member of congress is trusted more by the writer of this letter to do the correct thing for the country than you. My prayer is that God will give you the wisdom and strength to separate the wheat from the chaff.
To those discordant voices among our own conference who want to cut and run, simply plow ahead. Please see to it that the House votes, up or down, on the issue of Impeachment of Clinton. In doing so, we proponents are clearly saying that we find the conduct of Clinton unacceptable.
To do less adds to the frustration of Republicans nationwide and feeds the suspicion that we are reluctant to affirm the values on which the nation was founded.
Very truly yours,
Bill Dannemeyer
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