10/15/2008 An exciting day in the history of CFABA.ORG.
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Contact: Robert Colaco at (818)757-1776.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
October 15th, An exciting day in the history of Citizens for a Better America® (CFABA.ORG) .
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 is an exciting day in the history of Citizens for a Better America® (CFABA.ORG), said Robert Colaco, Volunteer National Chairman and Founder of Citizens For A Better America (R) (CFABA.ORG).
"(CFABA.ORG) was founded on October 15, 1992. We are celebrating 16 years of working to elect morality and values based candidates all across this great county," said Colaco.
"As part of our celebration Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) has launched as full fledged website. One of the first things this website will focus on is the effort to
help win the passage of traditional marriage measures which are on the ballot in 3 different states, Arizona, California and Florida on this November 4th," said Colaco.
"The definition of marriage debate is not ending with this election. Only 26 states have voted to have some type of traditional definition of marriage. And, with activist courts, like the court in California, we do not know how many of those will
survive a court challenge. We still have a lot of work ahead on this issue, that is why we launched this new website," said Colaco.
Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) is a national, grassroots, non-connected, independent political committee whose primary focus is to elect Morality and Values Based candidates from the very lowest to the very highest political positions
all over the United States of America. CFABA.ORG was founded on October 15, 1992. CFABA.ORG since our founding have taken positions on ballot measures in California as well as across the United States of America. You can see our web site dedicated to
state propositions by clicking on the following link:
Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG) is not controlled or authorized by any candidate or their committees. Nor is it authorized or controlled by any Political Party, Labor Union or Corporation. It is registered with both the Federal
Election Commission (FEC.GOV) and the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC.CA.GOV). All expenses are paid for by Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG). The (R) after the name "Citizens For A Better America" signifies that it is a
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(TM) = Trademark. All Registered Trademarks and Trademarks are the property of Citizens For A Better America® (CFABA.ORG) or Robert Colaco and may not be used without written permission.