05/22/2006 (CFABA.ORG) completes emailing out questionnaire.
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Monday, May 22, 2006
(CFABA.ORG) completes emailing out questionnaire.
Nationally recognized Citizens For A Better America® (CFABA.ORG) announces it has just completed emailing out its CFABA.ORG Candidate Questionnaire™ for the June 06, 2006 California Primary Election.
"We only e-mail out our candidate questionnaire and do not send it by postal mail or fax it out. Most candidates have e-mail address and give them out when they file as a candidate. We located the candidates we e-mailed to, this election using the
following Internet web pages," said Colaco. Each county is listed along with the number of questionnaires emailed out.
01. Los Angeles County - 486 questionnaires emailed.
02. Monterey County - 32 questionnaires emailed.
03, San Bernardino County - 13 questionnaires emailed.
04. San Diego County - 288 questionnaires emailed.
05. San Joaquin County - 106 questionnaires emailed.
06. San Mateo County - 68 questionnaires emailed.
07. Shasta County - 24 questionnaires emailed.
08. Siskiyou County - 25 questionnaires emailed.
09. Ventura County - 67 questionnaires emailed.
10. State of California where all candidates for state or federal office are listed - 431 questionnaires emailed.
There were no less than 1540 questionnaire we emailed out. There were duplications in that #10 above had all the non county / non local candidates. For a complete list of the above counties web pages with candidate information on them please click
on the following link:
CFABA.ORG was founded on October 15, 1992. It is a national, grassroots, nonconnected, independent, political committee established on October 15, 1992 whose focus is to elect morality and values based candidates from the very lowest to the very
highest political positions all over the U.S.A.
CFABA.ORG is not controlled or authorized by any candidate or their committees. Nor is it authorized or controlled by any Political Party, Labor Union or Corporation. It is registered with both the Federal Election Commission (FEC.GOV) and the
California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC.CA.GOV). All expenses are paid for by Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG). The ® or (R) after the name "Citizens For A Better America" signifies that it is a registered trademark with
the US Patents and Trademarks Office, registration number 2500525.
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Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG)
Federal, F.E.C. ID #: C00278333
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Van Nuys, California 91409-7647
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© Copyright, 1992-2006. All Rights Reserved. Citizens For A Better America ®. This has been authorized, paid for and published by Citizens For A Better America ®. This is not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.
® = Federally Registered Trademark filed with the US Patents & Trademarks Office. "Citizens For A Better America ®" is a registered trademark with the United States Patents and Trademarks office, Registration Number: 2500525.
™ = Trademark. All Registered Trademarks and Trademarks are the property of Citizens For A Better America ® or Robert Colaco and may not be used without written permission.