Saturday, September 03, 2005
An Open Letter To:
Southeast, USA Church Pastors and Leaders
Dear Southeast, USA Church Pastor / Leader:
You may or may not be aware of Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham challenge for "Christians to open the doors of churches to the victims of Hurricane Katrina." I watched as he gave this very moving challenge on national television
this last Thursday.
Rev. Franklin Graham said, “In looking at this problem, I think the churches of America can step up to the plate. If every church in the Southeast took in 10 families, this would put a big dent in this problem."
I agreed wholeheartedly with Rev. Franklin Graham and am confident that the churches in America can make a huge difference in both the short term and long term lives of these people.
You can view their news release and article entitled: "Shelter from the Storm Challenging Churches to Open their Doors to Hurricane Victims," by clicking on the following link:
I have discovered in our working with Churches all across this great land that while Pastors and Church leaders try their best to stay on top of all that is happening they may just not become aware of these kinds of things until a member or friend
tells them about it. This was so important and time sensitive I felt I needed to do my best to let you know about it myself.
As a political organization we are limited with what we can do. But, communicating with Churches about issues like this, is something we can do and something we have been doing since I founded the organization on October 15, 1992.
I care deeply about this nation and its people just like I believe you do, and like the rest of the nation my wife Gail and I have been glued to the news channels as we have watched the events in New Orleans, Biloxi and Gulfport and the surrounding
areas unfold. Both of us have been praying for all those involved, from the victims to the rescue workers and also for those "in authority over us."
I wholeheartedly support Rev. Franklin Graham and his call on Thursday, September 1, 2005 that Churches ought "to open their doors to the Hurricane Victims." It both inspired and motivated me. So, I enthusiastically join Rev. Franklin Graham in
encouraging your church to join in the effort as well.
If you would like some more information about this effort you can go to the Samaritans Purse website at []. If you would like more information about who I am and who Citizens For A
Better America ® is, then please click on any of the links below:
01. Our acronym and main website address is CFABA.ORG and can be found at []
02. Our Belief and Mission Statement can be found at []
03. Our leadership team, with pictures and links can be found at []
04. One of our many commentaries is:
THE LIE: Christians can not affect America by our prayers.
It can be found at []
05. A very personal commentary from me about why "Easter is a very special time for me," can be found at []
06. A Christmas Letter From: Robert & Gail Colaco, December 20, 2001, immediately after 9/11 attacks, about how the Lord impressed me to pray the night before the early morning hours of 9/11 can be found at
Please do not hesitate to let us know the ways you and your congregation have found to respond to this disaster, we would very much like to support you with our prayers and share about it with others. Please feel free to forward this e-mail to other
pastors and church leaders you may know.
May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless you and your Church, and its endeavors to aid and assist these Hurricane Katrina victims.
Robert Colaco
Volunteer National Chairman, Founder
Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.ORG)
P.S. I have just heard (Saturday 8:15pm, Pacific Time) that Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist has lost his battle with cancer. Please join with me as we pray for his family and for President Bush as he now, not only leads our country
during this time of great need but also must appoint a new Chief Justice. As you may know already, he can either promote someone from within the court or appoint someone from outside of it. His decision will impact this nation for years to come.
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