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    An Open Letter To:

    The Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District Board of Trustees:
    Martin Barofsky, Jim Duzick, Steve Harbeson, Fred Heslep, John Sisco.

    c/o Dr. Linda Wagner, Assistant Superintendent
    Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District
    P.O. Box 68
    Acton, CA 93510
    E-mail: LWagner@aadusd.k12.ca.us

    Phone (661)269-8140 (Designated at November 24, 2003
    board meeting to be the contact person for the Board.

    Tuesday, November 25, 2003 09:40:05 PST

    Dear Trustees;

    I would like to say from the start of this letter that it is not my goal or desire to say anything that would be rude or un-kind to you, to the community that is represented by the Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District, the folks that worked so hard to bring forth the Bond Measure AA as well as those that worked to defeat Bond Measure AA. I am writing this letter as an Open Letter not only for your benefit, but also to the benefit of all of the folks that I have talked about earlier.

    My log shows that I arrived at the special school board meeting that was called for Last night, Monday, November 24, 2003 at 6:37 PM. Gail and I stayed until the very end of the school board meeting. We departed around midnight. When Gail, my wife and I arrived at the Meadowlark School in Acton, we found that the parking lot around the school was full with cars as well as about a block in every direction, including the dirt "lot" across the entrance from the driveway where apparently a great many people hard parked and I might say, done an excellent job to be able to fit the maximum number of vehicles.

    In your website address of: [http://aadusd.k12.ca.us/board.htm]

    You state the following:

    "The Board

    The Board of Trustees represents the people of the Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District as the elected body created to determine, establish, and uphold the educational policies of the District. In this capacity, the Board functions under the laws of the State of California but is free to plan for an educational program tailored to both the needs of the communities served."

    You also state:

    "Mission Statement

    The Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District is dedicated to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment through which all students are challenged to achieve their individual maximum growth academically, socially, physically, and intellectually in order to become productive citizens in our American democracy.

    Addressing the Board

    There are different ways individuals may choose to address the Board. Those who wish to request an agenda item may do so by submitting in writing to the Superintendent, with supporting documents and information, a request at least eight school days prior to a scheduled meeting date. For matters not on the agenda, there is an opportunity for individuals to address the Board when the Board President requests comments from the public. The Board shall not take action on such items at that meeting. Those wishing to address agenda items may do so if and when recoginized by the Board President after filling out the "yellow request card" provided at the meeting."

    During my 12 minute 3 second presentation before the Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District board during last night's special meeting called for the discussion about the closure, consolidation, reduction of school campuses within the District, I publicly thanked you for the time that you took to speak to me last Friday, November 21, 2003.

    Thank you again for taking the time to speak with me even though I just stopped by for my about 20 minute visit without an appointment.

    Thank you for making the effort to attempt to fax to our political organization Citizens For A Better America ® with the acronym and website of (CFABA.ORG) the minutes for the last board meeting. I guess you and I and the entire assembly of those there as many as 550 people, by my calculation found out from the Board President, Mr. Martin Barofsky that those minutes are not available.

    As I shared during my presentation this Board has not placed on your Internet website address located at: [http://aadusd.k12.ca.us/minutes.htm] any minutes since November 9, 2000 as of today. I would like to formally request them from you, the Board

    01. Any and all minutes since November 9, 2000.
    02. Any and all budgets since it became a Unified School District.
    03. Any and all minutes from the time it became a Unified School District until October 28, 1999.
    04. The tape recording of last night's, meeting. That was apparently being tape recorded behind the board.

    I have made this an Open Letter because as I said during my presentation before the board, I believe that it is a bad policy to not have these minutes on your Internet website. I also believe that other within the community of the Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District may also wish to view and read these minutes and budget. As I also said during my remarks I believe that I believe it is a bad policy to not do everything possible to not look like it is hiding something, etc.

    It is my hope and desire that your boss, Dr. Don Banderas, Superintendent or the Board for that matter does not put up an obstacle to the quick delivery of these documents. I will give you a call to make sure that you have received this Open Letter. Please call CFABA.ORG's voice mail 24/7 at (818)757-1776 to let me know when I can pick up these documents. It is also my hope that the Superintendent or the current Board does not force me to formally demand the above documents.

    My hope, desire and goal is to have the above mentioned documents no later than this week so that I can have the time to be able to put forth a presentation, if I chose to do so before the next scheduled open board meeting, for Monday, December 01, 20 03 at 7:00 PM.

    If your district decides to put the above document on your website for the entire community of the Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District to be able to have access to as well, that will be just fine with me, just let me know where I can access that information on your Internet website and I would be happy to do so.

    Again, I would like to thank you for the time you took to speak to me, your kindness and graciousness. It appears to me that you are a tremendous asset to this district.

    Robert Colaco
    Volunteer National Chairman, Founder
    Citizens For A Better America ®

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    Last Update: 11/06/2012