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    C O M M E N T A R Y!

    Wednesday, January 22, 2003
    For Immediate Release:
    Sent via e-mail to our Commentary and News Release List™.
    For interviews or information contact Robert Colaco.
    By Robert Colaco, National Chairman of Citizens For A Better America ®
    with national headquarters in Van Nuys, California


    THE LIE:

    Roe vs. Wade should be upheld.


    On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court made a very serious mistake. That mistake was, that it took the decision for legalizing abortion out of the hands of the fifty (50) state legislatures and put it in the hands of the federal government.

    The good news about that horrible decision is that we live in a Constitutional Republic where we as Americans can elect men and women to positions from the very lowest to the very highest political positions in every state in these United States that will use their elected positions to incrementally bring a change in our country from a culture of death to a culture of life.

    Should the U.S. Supreme Court have voted to strip the rights of these fifty (50) states to make their own decisions about laws regarding pregnancy termination? On 01/22/1973 I was within three months of my sixteenth (16th) birthday. I had arrived as a legal immigrant to the United States of America, four and one half years before, with a limited fluency in English. It would be years later while I was in college before I would even begin to understand the debate and the decision that had been made that year. But by then it was over. The High Court had ruled. Or was it over? The truth was, it was not over and now 30 years later we are still suffering from this High Court, high hand tactics of taking the decision away from the states and their constituents and making it themselves.

    Did the U.S. Supreme Court have to vote to take away the right of each state to decide on its own about legalizing abortion?

    My answer to that question is No. The U.S. Supreme Court on a regular basis decides to stay out of decisions at lower court levels. They should have decided to stay out of this debate and allow each individual state legislature to decide their own laws on this issue. These state legislatures are closer to the people and as a result they should have been allowed to decide this very emotional issue in each one of their own state capitals.

    Fast forward now to November 1988, I began my candidacy to replace Congressman Anthony C. Beilenson. He was proud to tell his constituents that he was the father of abortion in the state of California. When I began running for the United States House of Representatives, my pro-life position then as it is has remained is that I believed that the U.S. Supreme Court should not have stripped away the right of each of the fifty (50) states to decide individually on pregnancy termination. It is wrong, that because of the actions taken by that U.S. Supreme Court in 1973, no state on its own independent of the others can decide that the science supports that termination's of pregnancy are termination's of lives not tissue and thereby must not be allowed to remain legal.

    Citizens For A Better America ® is dedicated to electing morality and values based candidates from the lowest to the very highest political positions, all over the United States of America. I founded Citizens For A Better America ® on October 15, 1992 to elect candidates who are Pro America pro America first, pro traditional family, pro life, pro 2nd amendment, pro USA sovereignty, pro constitutional candidates.

    If you would like to read additional documents written on this issue either by myself or our Honorary National Chairman, Congressman Bill Dannemeyer you can click on any of the following highlighted links:

    01. THE LIE: There is no relationship between partial birth abortion & children killing each other. WRONG! [http://www.cfaba.org/cf05040.htm]

    02. What happened in the November 3, 1998 election? [http://www.cfaba.org/cf05073.htm]

    03. THE LIE: Morality and values based Americans should just worry about electing the right President and everything else will take care of itself. WRONG! [http://www.cfaba.org/cf05084.htm]

    04. THE LIE: "Abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare." "And that is why we must promote adoption." President Clinton- Acceptance speech during the 1996 Democrat National Convention. WRONG! [http://www.haveyoubeenliedto.org/hy06003.htm]

    05. THE LIE: THE ABORTION ISSUE SHOULD NOT BE IN THE REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM. WRONG! [http://www.haveyoubeenliedto.org/hy05001.htm]

    06. THE LIE: The President only deals with one issue-Taxes. WRONG! [http://www.haveyoubeenliedto.org/hy04004.htm]

    07. THE LIE: Alan Keyes Meets America's Moral Challenge. WRONG! [http://www.haveyoubeenliedto.org/hy04005.htm]


    If you would like to be removed from our Commentary and News Release List™, please let us know in writing, send an e-mail to RemoveMe@CFABA.org. If you use this story we would appreciate you sending us a copy. Or, if you would like to receive Releases instantaneously send an e-mail to AddMe@CFABA.org! Thank you!

    © copyright 2002 Citizens For A Better America ® (CFABA.org)

    Publisher of the Have You Been Lied To? ™ Flyer

    Robert Colaco, National Chairman, Founder.

    F.E.C. ID #C00278333

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    Last Update: 11/06/2012