03/17/1995 Open Letter to Dr. Pat Robertson - CBN
To our Commentary and News Release List™
Friday, March 17, 1995
For Immediate Release;
Contact Robert Colaco at (818)757-1776
Dr. Pat Robertson
CBN-Christian Broadcasting Network
Sent by facsimile to (804) 579-2017
Friday 03/17/1995
Dear Dr. Robertson
I am deeply concerned about a comment made by Ben Kinchlow, on the 700 Club broadcast on Tuesday 03/14/95.
As an introduction, I want to say that my wife Gail and I watch the 700 Club very regularly and we enjoy very much the unbiased reporting of what is happening on your News section that is not shared with us on the other secular networks.
As you have mentioned that Senator Phil Gramm has called you several times to ask for your endorsement. Senator Gramm is a very able campaigner, in fact in my opinion as able as Candidate Clinton was. I do not know whether or not you have officially
or unofficially endorsed Senator Gramm’s candidacy for President.
What deeply concerns me is that your position in support of both the U.S. sovereignty robbing legislation of NAFTA and GATT/WTO are perceived by many that watch your 700 Club and evangelicals across America as being very destructive and confuses them
because they have asked me how could you have written the book “The New World Order”? and then seemingly join that? I have not been able to answer that question and I have referred them to you.
Sharing that as a background and to really acknowledge that you all by and large do a great work on the 700 Club and I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Ben, Terry and you. But, Ben’s comment today reading about Patrick Buchanan’s
entering into the Presidential race and saying “he’s up to his old tricks.” I am deeply offended at concerning Ben Kinclow’s comment as he was reading about the that remark by Ben Kinchlow. That is something that we would say about President Clinton not
Patrick Buchanan. I demand an on the air apology from Ben. I am deeply troubled by Ben’s comments.
I come to you in love and to tell you that we are gaining Christian Coalition members because they are frustrated about. I do not know what affect this is having on the funding of the 700 Club. Please refrain from any more of these comments.
Robert Colaco
Founder, National Chairman
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Publisher of the Have You Been Lied To? ™ Flyer
Robert Colaco, National Chairman, Founder.
F.E.C. ID #C00278333